January 6, 2014

One of the oldest known Foley Saw Filers sold on eBay 1/6/2014

eBay listing

This is the oldest Foley Saw Filer I have found for sale, and one of its patents predates Foley, below. This machine, like the other early Foleys, were for filing band saws. 

Patent US 679748, issued Aug. 6, 1901, Jacob E. Hillstrom, Michigan City, IN

Patent US 837922, issued December 11, 1906, Hugh B. Foley

January 1, 2014

Foley videos on YouTube and elsewhere

A recent web search found some new and better videos of Foley equipment in use. Here's a good one by Chris Schwarz, showing Tom Calisto cutting backsaw teeth on a hand-cranked Foley retoother at The Woodwright's School. While you are at it, search YouTube for Chris Schwarz's many videos on sharpening and woodworking.
